Restless Leg Syndrome: How to Diagnose, Evaluate & Treat

Restless leg syndrome is a common neurological condition, which can be easily missed or misdiagnosed as insomnia. On the other hand, most antidepressants and antipsychotics can cause restless leg symptoms.

For this reason, understanding how to diagnose, evaluate and treat restless leg syndrome is of clinical relevance for every medical practitioner. 

Psychiatry Education forum Academy’s next video discussion will focus on this clinically relevant topic:

This video presentation will be summarized in the following sections:

  1. How to Diagnose?

  2. What can cause this: Etiology?

  3. How to Evaluate: Rule these out first?

  4. How to Differentiate from Peripheral neuropathy & Akathisia?

  5. Laboratory Evaluation for Iron Deficiency Anemia.

  6. Treatment Options: Iron Supplementation.

  7. Non-pharmacological treatment options for RLS.

  8. Treatment of Intermittent, Daily & Refractory RLS.

  9. Medications Evidence for moderate and severe RLS.

  10. Management of RLS with depression and anxiety.

Let’s begin by answering this question:

Welcome to your RLS

Which of the following lab results are diagnostic for iron deficiency anemia?

This slide from the presentation will answer the answer:



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