Psycho-Ophthalmology: Psychotropics Ocular Adverse Events View course details Angle Closure Glaucoma Symptoms, Risk-Factors & Prevention Angle Closure Glaucoma & ANTIDEPRESSANTS Angle Closure Glaucoma & OTHER PSYCHOTROPICS ECT in the setting of Glaucoma Uveal Tract Disorders Tricyclic Antidepressants Topiramate SSRIs Antipsychotics Impaired Eye Movements (Nystagmus) Nystagmus & Psychotropics Other Ocular Adverse-Events Epithelial Keratopathy Allergic conjunctivitis Alice in Wonderland syndrome (Dysmetropsia) Exophthalmos and Papilledema Palinopsia Eye Irritation Course Information Categories: (2) Adverse Events